dead and co

so…apparently not only can’t i write..but when i do i write like a five year old….well your probably correct but fuck…can’t a fan fan anymore?? everyone’s got there opinions and that’s cool…here’s mine…
fuck you and your proper use of grammar…i studied for years to ignore the Chicago Manual of Style…yes i know how to properly write but fuck you…that’s no fun….especially for a blog that’s written under at least 5 beers influence at all times… I actually deleted my last review cause i’ve got a thinner skin than a recently spawned tadpole…but…no more apologies from now on…suck my big fat incorrect use of the english language…write your own shit if your so good…
jesus…well now that i got that off my incompetent chest..perhaps i can actually say something meaningful..doubtful of course!
Dead and co at MSG tonight was interesting but it had all the fun of a charity cocktail party for homeless squirrels…what the fuck happened to dancing without oblivion…st.stephen gets played at msg..where everyone got in for free mind you,and a collective yawn hits the crowd? this isn’t to rag on the band…they did their best…but when your playing to zombies who consider excitement rattling their jewels what can you do?
relive 1983 st. stephen for a bit…

the crowd goes crazy..tonight they clinked their fucking wine glasses while eating spoiled cheese…thankfully phil had an appreciative audience…so streamers could tune in to that…he had david nelson..jason crosby..barry ..and molo backing him up more than amply…i just hope this isn’t the end for him out east…if i were phil i’d only play crossroads from now on..why not? i get all the revenues and drive about about ten minutes to my gig..but fuck..i hope he realizes how much we love and need him in the east too…either way..all the best my brother from another another mother
back to dead and co…mayer is getting it..that much is clear..oteil is a beast and it was great to see him pounding the skins during drumz..turn up jeff..he needs the exposure after his pot bust!
bobby,billy, mickey…godbless…play your hearts out cause like mine it ain’t got damn happy to have this music to listen to and crapily review as my 5 year old self…best to all of you too…even those that think correctly i can’t do this shit…nfa!!!